Saturday, August 30, 2008


totally rockin' the tacky tourist gig in victoria.

i'm always a sucker for some lame-o photo-ops... this time, at butterfly gardens in victoria this morning. brandon forgot his handy-dandy point-and-shoot, so the iPhone came to the rescue! pales in comparison to mine. bwah-ha-ha.

and even this small image kinda looks lame. much better on the brand new 24" screen. boo-yah! gorgeous and glossy (mistakes are much more visible; must step up my game). and now, for some pretty flowers! hold the applause. wedding photos to come soon!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

We were there last weekend! I was wishing for a macro lens sooooo bad. Next time.

about me

I love coffee.
I love my tilt-shift lens.
I love traveling.
I love flip-flops, and wear them pretty much all year.
I love big cities, but coming home to a small town.
I love peonies.
I love chocolate, in all its forms.
I love early mornings.
I love weddings!
I love taking photos, and I'd love to take yours!

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