Friday, November 14, 2008


yep.  that's me.

i've had an extremely busy month between meeting with clients, getting settled with new vendors (sexy leather coffee-table albums, anyone?), working, editing, and volunteer painting for the local high school's musical.  my head is still spinning.  so, i apologize for neglecting the blog...

i'm off to victoria for the weekend, but p r o m i s e to have some posts for you next week... i'm thinking the rad-tastic new albums samples and some fun familia photos!  stay tuned.

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about me

I love coffee.
I love my tilt-shift lens.
I love traveling.
I love flip-flops, and wear them pretty much all year.
I love big cities, but coming home to a small town.
I love peonies.
I love chocolate, in all its forms.
I love early mornings.
I love weddings!
I love taking photos, and I'd love to take yours!

Thanks for stopping by. I also love comments - so feel free to leave a couple.