Wednesday, October 15, 2008

a must :: photojojo

I really want to use my blog to help you all advance and flourish with your own photography, so I'm going to make the effort to post other blogs, sites, and information that I find exciting, interesting and relevant in photography today!  Oh, and fun stuff, too. 

Photojojo is an amazing resource for all sorts of photo-related goodness... must haves, techniques, tips and tricks, for amateurs and pros alike. I highly recommend you sign-up for their bi-weekly email newsletter with all the latest Photojojo-delightfulness... and you can do so here!

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about me

I love coffee.
I love my tilt-shift lens.
I love traveling.
I love flip-flops, and wear them pretty much all year.
I love big cities, but coming home to a small town.
I love peonies.
I love chocolate, in all its forms.
I love early mornings.
I love weddings!
I love taking photos, and I'd love to take yours!

Thanks for stopping by. I also love comments - so feel free to leave a couple.