Monday, July 21, 2008

here we go.

now that i have unleashed my new site to rave reviews (mostly from friends and family, but who's counting?), i thought that it would be appropriate to blog my photografik journey... be it business or pleasure. although, i have to admit, the business is a pleasure...

introducing... me.

oh yes! and my work. almost forgot.

and, if you haven't visited my new site, it's online at all the cool kids are doing it!

about me

I love coffee.
I love my tilt-shift lens.
I love traveling.
I love flip-flops, and wear them pretty much all year.
I love big cities, but coming home to a small town.
I love peonies.
I love chocolate, in all its forms.
I love early mornings.
I love weddings!
I love taking photos, and I'd love to take yours!

Thanks for stopping by. I also love comments - so feel free to leave a couple.